Khám phá 50+ chủ đề giúp bạn học tốt tiếng Anh

Khám phá 50+ chủ đề giúp bạn học tốt tiếng Anh

Khám phá 50+ chủ đề giúp bạn học tốt tiếng Anh

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GC Kids Group

Khám phá 50+ chủ đề giúp bạn học tốt tiếng Anh

Học tiếng anh theo từng chủ đề sẽ giúp các bạn dễ dàng tiếp thu các kiến thức và nhanh chóng áp dụng tiếng Anh vào trong cuộc sống hằng ngày. Cùng tìm hiểu hơn 50+ chủ đề gần gũi, được nhiều người quan tâm nhất hiện nay để các bạn có cơ sở tập làm quen và học tiếng Anh theo chủ đề nhé.

1. Hobbies: Chủ đề sở thích cá nhân

  • What are your hobbies?
  • Why do you like your hobbies so much?
  • How often do you do these hobbies?
  • How long have you been doing these hobbies, and how did you get started?
  • What hobbies did you used to have, but now do not?
  • Is it important to have hobbies? Why/why not?

2. Weather: Chủ đề thời tiết

  • What kind of weather do you like?
  • Do you think the weather can affect people’s mood?

3. Time: Chủ đề thời gian

  • How much free time do you usually have?
  • How important is time to you?
  • If you had more free time, what would you do?
  • “Time is money.” Do you agree or disagree? Why?
  • How do you feel about time that is wasted?

4Sleep: Mối quan tâm về sự nghỉ ngơi

  • How much sleep do you usually get?
  • Why do some people sleep well while other people do not sleep well?
  • What do you do when you have trouble sleeping?
  • What time do you usually go to sleep? What time do you usually get up?
  • Have you ever slept in a strange place that was not a bed?

5. Music: Âm nhạc

  • What types of music do you like/dislike?
  • How do certain kinds of music make you feel?
  • What types of music come from your country?
  • What’s your favorite song/album/artist?
  • What music is popular in your country right now?

6. First Dates: Ngày hò hẹn đầu tiên

  • How do you feel about first dates?
  • What is a common first date like in your country?
  • What is the best/worst first date experience you’ve ever had?
  • What makes a good first date in your opinion?

7. Work: Chủ đề công ăn việc làm

  • What work do/did you do?
  • How do/did you like the work?
  • What is your dream job?
  • What work is common in your city/area/country?
  • What is your general view about work? Why?

8. Risk: Nói chuyện về rủi ro

  • What is your definition of risk?
  • Are you a risk taker? Why/why not?
  • What are the advantages/disadvantages of taking risks?
  • What risks do you come across in your work/life?
  • What risks have you taken in your life?

9. Food: Chủ đề ẩm thực

  • What is your favorite food? Why?
  • What food comes from your country?
  • How do you feel when you eat food?
  • What foods do you dislike? Why?
  • Where do you usually get food from?

10. Motivation: Nói chuyện về động lực trong cuộc sống

  • How motivated are you in general?
  • What motivates you to do things?
  • What is the best motivator to succeed?
  • What do you do when you feel demotivated?
  • What is a good way to motivate others?

11Beautiful: Nói về gu thẩm mỹ

  • What is “beauty”?
  • What/who do you consider beautiful?
  • What does “inner beauty” mean to you?
  • Do you consider artificial beauty (cosmetic surgery) to still be a beauty? Why/why not?
  • How do you feel about the emphasis that people put on beauty these days?
  • What would you tell your children about beauty?

12. Crime: Nói về tội phạm

  • Is crime a big problem in your city/country?
  • Have you ever been a victim of crime?
  • What crime is common in your city/country?
  • What would you do if you noticed a crime being committed?
  • How is the law enforcement in your city/country?

13. Love: Chủ đề tình yêu

  • What is love?
  • Who/what do you love?
  • What good/bad experiences have you had with love?
  • Can you be too young to be in love? Why/why not?
  • How do you feel about love?

14. Goals: Mục tiêu của cuộc đời

  • What are your current goals in life?
  • How do you plan to reach your goals?
  • How often do you set goals for yourself?
  • What goals have you set and achieved in the past?
  • How do you feel when you reach your goals?

15. Dreams: Bàn luận về những giấc mơ

  • What kinds of dreams do you have?
  • What do you think dreams mean?
  • How many of your dreams do you remember? Why?
  • What is your opinion on premonitions? Are they real?
  • What are examples of memorable dreams you have had?

16. Restaurants: Chia sẻ về những quán ngon

  • How often do you go to restaurants?
  • What is your favorite restaurant? Why?
  • What do you usually order at a restaurant?
  • What is the restaurant experience like in your country?
  • Have you ever worked in a restaurant?
  • If you owned a restaurant, what kinds of food would you serve?

17. Cooking: Chủ đề nấu ăn

  • In your home, who usually cooks?
  • How often do you cook?
  • How well do you cook? What can you cook well?
  • What are the advantages/disadvantages of cooking?
  • What food would you like to learn how to cook?

18. Money: Chủ đề tài chính

  • How well do you manage your money?
  • Why do some people have money problems?
  • What are some good ways to make money?
  • What would you do if I gave you $20/$2,000/$2,000,000?
  • How often do you save money? Why?

19. Shopping: Chủ đề mua sắm

  • Do you enjoy shopping? Why/why not?
  • What is your favorite shop? Why?
  • In your city, where is a good place to go shopping?
  • How do you feel about online shopping?
  • What do you think shopping will be like in the future?

20. Plans: Kế hoạch

  • How often do you plan things? Why?
  • What are your plans for (…)?
  • What are your plans for your English?
  • What do you think of this quote? “Having no plan is a plan to fail.”
  • Do you have any backup plans?


21. Books: Những cuốn sách 

  • Do you like books/reading? Why/why not?
  • What kind of books do you like?
  • What is your favorite book? Why?
  • What was the last book you read?
  • Do you believe reading books/literature is more important than reading stuff online? Why/why not?

22. Sports: Nói về môn thể thao

  • Do you like sports? Why/why not?
  • How often do you exercise/play sports?
  • Did you play any sports as a child?
  • What sport/physical activity is popular in your country?
  • What is your opinion on professional sports?

23. Home/ Accommodation: Chủ đề nhà cửa

  • What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? 
  • Who do you live with? 
  • How long have you lived there? 
  • What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? Do you plan to live there for a long time? 
  • Which room does your family spend most of the time in? 
  • Are the transport facilities to your home very good? 
  • Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? 
  • Please describe the room you live in. 
  • What part of your home do you like the most?

24. Finding and losing things: Chủ đề về tìm và mất đồ 

  • What kinds of lost things have you found in a public place?  
  • What would you do if you found something valuable, for example a phone? (Why/Why not?)
  • Have you ever lost something which was found by a stranger? (What was it/Why?) 
  • Would you ever ask for help on social media to find something you’d lost? (Why/Why not?)

25. Mobile/ Cell phones: Chủ đề điện thoại

  • Do you like using a mobile/cell phone? (Why/Why not?)  
  • Do you send many text messages? (Why/Why not?)  
  • When did you first have a mobile/cellphone?  
  • Are there any places where you would not use a mobile/cell phone? (Why?) 

26. Old Buildings: Chủ đề về nhà cổ

  • Have you ever seen some old buildings in the city?  
  • Do you think we should keep old buildings in cities?  
  • Do you prefer living in an old building or a modern house?

27.Time management: Chủ đề về quản lý thời gian

  • How do you plan your time in a day?  
  • Is it easy to manage time?  
  • Is it hard to allocate time?

28. Drawing and Art galleries: Chủ đề vẽ tranh và triển lãm nghệ thuật

  • Did you learn to draw or paint when you were younger? (Why/Why not?) 
  • Have you ever visited an art gallery? (Why/Why not?) 
  • Do you like looking at drawings or paintings? (Why/Why not?) 
  • Would you like to learn more about art in the future? (Why/Why not?)

29. Taking photos: Chủ đề chụp ảnh

  • How often do you take photos? (Why/ Why not?) 
  • Do you like taking photos of yourself? (Why/ Why not?) 
  • Do you have a favorite family photo? (Why/ Why not?) 
  • Would you like to learn how to take better photos (Why/ Why not?)

30. Daily Routine: Chủ đề về quy trình hằng ngày

  • What do you usually do in the morning? 
  • Do you prefer to go to bed early or late? (Why/Why not?) 
  • Do you like to do the same things every weekend? (Why/Why not?) 
  • Is your daily routine going to change in the future? (Why/Why not?)

31. Email: Chủ đề về thư

  • Is email popular with everyone in .../ your country? (Why/Why not?) 
  • Do you send a lot of emails? (Why/ Why not?) 
  • Do you prefer to email people or speak to them on the phone? (Why/ Why not?)
  • Do you think people will use email more or less in the future? (Why/Why not?)

32. Websites: Chủ đề về các trang mạng

  • What kinds of websites do you use most often? (Why/Why not?) 
  • Do you prefer to get information from websites or books? (Why/Why not?)
  • Does your favorite website look the same now as when you first used it? (Why/Why not?) 
  • Which is more important to you, what a website looks like or how easy it is to use? ( Why?)

33Cinemas: Chủ đề về rạp chiếu phim

  • Did you go to the cinema/movies a lot when you were a child? (Why/Why not?)  
  • Do you still like the same films/movies that you liked when you were a child?
  • Do you prefer to go to the cinema/movies with friends or on your own? (Why/Why not?) 

 34. History: Chủ đề về lịch sử  

  • Do you like to learn about history?  
  • What historical event do you find interesting? 
  • Do you think history is important? 
  • Do you consider archaeology to be an important science?  

35. Sweets & Cakes: Chủ đề về kẹo và bánh  

  • Do you like to eat sweets? 
  • Do you like sweets more or less now than when you were a child? 
  • Is there any sweet food in your country? 
  • Do you eat cakes or sweets after a meal?

 36. Cars: Chủ đề về ôtô 

  • Did you enjoy traveling by car when you were a child? (Why/Why not?)
  • Would you generally prefer to be a driver or a passenger in a car? (Why/Why not?) 
  • How important is the color of a car to you? (Why/Why not?) 
  • What type of car would you most like to have in the future? (Why/Why not?)  

37. Memory: Chủ đề về trí nhớ

  • Why do some people have good memories while others just don’t?
  • Why do more people rely on cell phones to memorize things? 
  • Are you good at memorizing things? 
  • Have you ever forgotten something important?  

38. Handwriting: Chủ đề về viết tay 

  • Do you like handwriting? 
  • Do you think handwriting is important? 
  • Which do you prefer, handwriting or typing? 
  • What’s the difference between handwriting and typing?  

39. Advertisements: chủ đề về quảng cáo  

  • Where can you see advertisements? 
  • Do you want to be shown in the advertisement? 
  • What kind of advertisements do you dislike? 
  • Have you ever bought something because of its advertisement?  

40. Boring things: Chủ đề về sự nhàm chán  

  • What will you do when you feel bored? 
  • What kind of things are boring to you? 
  • Who do you think gets bored easily, the young or the old? 
  • Do you think school is boring? 

41. Stress: Chủ đề về stress  

  • What stress do people usually face? 
  • Why do people who work feel stressed and don’t just quit their jobs?  

42. Talents: Chủ đề về tài năng  

  • Do you have a talent or something you are good at? 
  • Do you think your talent can be useful for your future work? 
  • Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent?  

43. Books and Reading Habits: Chủ đề về đọc sách và thói quen đọc sách  

  • Do you often read books? When? 
  • Do you read differently now than you did before?
  • Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted into a film? 
  • Which do you prefer, reading books or watching movies?  

44. Meeting places: Chủ đề về nơi gặp gỡ  

  • Where do you usually meet with your friends? 
  • Do you think there are some places more suitable for meeting with others?  
  • Have the meeting places changed now from when you were young?  

45. Collecting things: Chủ đề về sự sưu tầm  

  • Do you collect things? 
  • Are there any things you keep from childhood? 
  • Where do you usually keep things you need?  

46. Watch: Chủ đề về đồng hồ 

  • Do you wear a watch? 
  • Have you ever got a watch as a gift? 
  • Why do some people wear expensive watches? 

47. Computers: Chủ đề về máy tính  

  • In what conditions would you use a computer? 
  • When was the first time you used a computer? 
  • What will your life be like without computers? 
  • In what conditions would it be difficult to use a computer? 

48. Evening time: Chủ đề về buổi chiều  

  • Do you prefer studying in the morning or in the afternoon?  
  • What do you usually do in the evening?  
  • What did you do in the evening when you were little? Why?  
  • Are there any differences between what you do in the evening now and what you did in the past?  

49. Weekend: Chủ đề về cuối tuần  

  • What do you usually do on weekends? 
  • Did you do anything special last weekend? 
  • What will you do next weekend?  

50. Science: Chủ đề về khoa học  

  • What did you learn in science class? 
  • Do you want to know more about science? 
  • Do you watch science tv programs?  

51. Life: Chủ đề nói về cuộc sống

  • What is the meaning of life?
  • How is your life going up to this point?
  • What do you think happens after life?
  • What important life lessons have you learned?
  • If tomorrow was your last day to live, what would you do?

 52. Television: Chủ đề nói về giải trí trên truyền hình

  • How often do you watch TV?
  • Should everyone have a television in their home?
  • What is the best way to watch television: On a television set, computer, tablet or phone?
  • What television programs are popular in your country?
  • What do you think will be the future of television?
  • What is your opinion on television?
  • If you had your own TV show, what would it be like?

 53. Learning: Chủ đề nói về chuyện học hành

  • How important is learning? Why?
  • Besides English, what are you currently learning?
  • What things are you good/bad at learning? Why?
  • What would you most like to learn?
  • What is the most difficult part of learning? Why?

 54. Problems: Chủ đề nói về những khó khăn trong cuộc sống

  • How do you deal with your problems?
  • What problems do you come across in your work or life?
  • Do you feel that problems are opportunities? Why or why not?
  • What was the last problem you solved and how did you do it?
  • “Problems don’t matter. Solutions do.” Do you agree or disagree?


Sau bài viết này, các bạn đã được biết thêm rất nhiều các chủ đề thú vị để có thể giao tiếp và luyện tập tiếng Anh. Hy vọng rằng các bạn có thể cải thiện kỹ năng tiếng Anh của mình và áp dụng những kiến thức này vào đời sống hằng ngày.













 07/01/2024  |   Tags:

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